Louis Alligator Assembly Tutorial
DISCLAIMER: This pattern and the pictures associated with it are property of One’s Creative Mind and are strictly for personal use only. You may NOT sell this pattern on any platform or use my pictures to advertise. However, please feel free to sell your finished crocheted items if you wish and/or post pictures of them on social media. Just remember to tag me or give me a mention as the pattern designer using @onescreativemind.© One’s Creative Mind 2023
Good afternoon!
In this post, I will be showing you step-by-step how to assemble your Louis Alligator. Above is a picture showing the two that I have already made. Small Louis is made using mercerised 4ply cotton yarn with a 2mm hook. The bigger one is made with DK acrylic yarn and a 3mm hook. Some of the parts can be awkward to attach but just take your time. for those of you that find it hard, I will try and make a video showing the method that I used to attach my amigurumi parts.
NOTE: In some of the pictures, it shows that I haven’t added the parts in the order that I have listed. This is because after making my first Louis, I realised that certain parts should be added first to make it easier. However, I forgot to take certain pictures to depict this when I made my second Louis.
I won’t ramble but instead, jump straight into the tutorial.
Your Louis is now complete and should look something like the one pictured below (without the one missing toenail, haha!). If you make this Louis I would love to see how he turned out. I also hope that you enjoy making him as much as I did 🙂
Until the next post, happy crocheting!
Chantelle X
Can’t see any pictures. Your site sucks
All you had to do was let me know and I can fix the issue. Your rudeness is unnecessary. All patterns are also on my Patreon website where the images are visible. Manners!
Please excuse my rudeness but I had been trying and trying to update my subscription so I could get access to your wonderful patterns and I was having sooo much difficulty. I have just tried again and I keep getting the same message to up my subscription. How long does it take for the update to go through? I love crocheting and your patterns but I am not great with my computer and I am a salty speaker,
That’s okay I can understand the frustration. Here are the links to the Louis posts on the Patreon website. Let me know if you have any more issues.
Pattern post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/louis-alligator-31919037
Assembly post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/louis-alligator-31966753