An Introduction to One’s Creative Mind

Hello All!

2018 was a year of discovery for me. I opened my Etsy store and tried to start a blog (emphasis on the word tried!) and even contemplated starting a Youtube channel. Unfortunately everything never came together the way that I intended. I was able crochet a lot projects which some of you may have seen on my Instagram page, but when it came to the business and blog front I always felt like I didn’t have the time. Towards the end of the year when I was reviewing my targets and goals for 2019 I came to the realisation that I do have the time but my lack of knowledge and experience made me continually put it off and make excuses. Due to this I decided to enrol in some online courses and even brought some books to help me get a better understanding.

Thanks to the research and continued learning that I have been doing I am able to also have a better understanding of what it is exactly that I want my brand One’s Creative Mind to be. I want to share my passion and my creations. I also want to inspire and enable others to find their creativeness too. My love for crafting is not just limited to crocheting, I have a love for creating in general using all forms of media to express myself. That is in fact what inspired the name of my brand. It is the capacity that one’s creative mind has to express their self and the incredible things that they are able to create as a result.

An important factor in building a business is considering what you want your brand to be. What I want my business to portray is creative expression but in the correct way. A lot of my crochet projects are character based in that they are popular characters which are copyrighted. When trying to build a name for yourself you do not want to run into any legal problems that can be associated with copyright laws. I love to crochet known characters and then share pictures of my hard work with you all. However, I don’t want to share my creations with you and not provide you with the means to replicate. With all this in mind any trademarked crochet patterns that I make will be available for free on my blog, this will include all my Winnie the Pooh and Princess and the Frog characters such as Ray the firefly and frog Naveen. This means that my new focus will be on original designs and not so heavily focused on trademarked characters. I have opted to put a Paypal donation button in the sidebar for those of you who love my character amigurumis. This will allow me to purchase crochet supplies and keep creating and posting them for free on my website. Any original designs however will be available to purchase in my Etsy store.

My intention is start a Freebie Friday and as the name suggests provide a freebie every Friday. For the next 6 Fridays I will post the pattern for one of my Winnie the Pooh amigurumi characters and then move on to my princess and the frog collection. Here’s a small preview…Piglet will be kicking off Freebie Friday so stay tuned.

This post turned out a lot longer than I intended and I hope that I didn’t waffle on for too long. Thank you so much to those of you who took your time to read my ramblings.

Chantelle x 

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    • I would not but that is entirely up to you. My character based patterns are free because I don’t want any copyright infringement issues. If it wasn’t for that I would tell you that you most definitely could sell them

  1. I purchased a pattern for Felix the Cat and it says that I am NOT allowed to sell an item that has a copyright. Just saying. I LOVE your pattern Chantelle. I just “found” your site tonight. I will definitely be browsing more! Well done!

    • Thank you, Im so happy that you are enjoying my patterns. I see that a lot – people selling copyrighted patterns

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