DISCLAIMER: This pattern and the pictures associated with it are property of One’s Creative Mind and are strictly for personal use only. You may NOT sell this pattern on any platform or use my pictures to advertise. However, please feel free to sell your finished crocheted items if you wish and/or post pictures of them on social media. Just remember to tag me or give me a mention as the pattern designer using @onescreativemind.© One’s Creative Mind 2020HAPPY JULY!!!
To make the clothing for the Beast you basically follow the same tutorial as you did for Prince Adam. It’s just the size and shape of the template that differs.
The clothes have a bit of “give” to them so should allow for slight variation in size due to tension. However, if you choose to make your Beast with a completely different hook and/or yarn which will affect the finished size, you can always scale the template up or down.
I used a sewing machine to assemble the clothes which can save a lot of time. If you’re a novice seamstress – like me – using a machine can make some aspects a bit harder (i.e. those pesky sleeves and collar!). Once you get the hang of it, it does become a lot easier. With any luck, when it comes time for me to make Prince Eric’s clothing it will be a breeze! Alternatively, you can also stitch the clothing by hand. It may take longer but it can also be easier to manoeuvre.
Due to the size of the Beast some parts of the template couldn’t fit onto the A4 page, however to remedy this I was able to fold those parts in half to make them fit. This is shown by a dashed line which means when cutting the template out you should fold the material in half and place the dashed line on the fold. I hope that this makes sense. It may make more sense once you see the PDF. If not, as always I am here to offer assistance in any way that I can.
(Template size based on DK yarn and a 2.5mm hook)
- White felt
- T-shirt transfer paper (if you haven’t done the eyes already)
- Printer
- Iron (if you haven’t done the eyes already)
- Scissors
- Felt glue
- White foam (optional)
- Yellow felt
- Electric Blue felt
- Navy blue felt
- Yellow thread
- Navy blue thread
- Electric blue thread
- Sewing needle or sewing machine
- 3 fasteners (i.e. poppers, Velcro, buttons, etc.)
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I hope that this tutorial was easy to follow and that your Beast is looking dapper in his new clothes!
Until the next post, happy crocheting!
Chantelle X