Slinky Crochet Pattern

DISCLAIMER: This pattern and the pictures associated with it are property of One’s Creative Mind and are strictly for personal use only. You may NOT sell this pattern on any platform or use my pictures to advertise. However, please feel free to sell your finished crocheted items if you wish and/or post pictures of them on social media. Just remember to tag me or give me a mention as the pattern designer using @onescreativemind.                             

© One’s Creative Mind 2021



The Slinky crochet tutorial is finally here! Do not let the time that it took me to complete it fool you. It is a fairly straightforward pattern with the most complicated part being the feet. However, if you are already familiar with my patterns and have made any that have hands (like my Yoshi, Mario or Luigi) I use the same method here.

As with all of my patterns I wanted to make Slinky as realistic as possible. This meant coming up with a solution to recreate the spring effect for his body. I had a visual idea in my head that I decided to go with but I would not know if it would work until the end. Fortunately, it turned out so much better than I envisioned. I used aran yarn in a lighter grey colour than I used for the body and chained it until it was approximately sixty-five inches long. I then used felt glue to glue it to the body. I kept this simple too and all I needed to do was put three strips of glue evenly spaced down the body then wrap the chained cord around it – and voila! Slinky has a spring effect.

Something that I didn’t think about until I got to that stage was how Slinky would stand up and how his head would stay up! Luckily this was an easy fix. I wasn’t able to take pictures but will describe how I would do it properly when I make him again. If Slinky being able to stand isn’t a priority for you then the legs do not have to be wired. However, it is essential for the neck to be wired otherwise the head will just flop.

Slinky’s overall measurements are 5 inches tall and 11 inches long.


  • DK yarn (in dark grey, brown, dark brown, camel, yellow and black
  • Aran yarn (in a lighter grey colour)
  • 2.5mm crochet hook
  • Yarn needle
  • Fire retardant Fibrefill
  • Black and white felt
  • Cardboard
  • Craft wire
  • Pliers
  • Felt glue
  • Scissors
  • Pins (optional)
  • Stitch marker (optional)
  • bakers twine (optional)


  • MR# – magic ring with the specified number of single crochets
  • SC – single crochet (double crochet English)
  • HDC – half double crochet (half treble English)
  • INC – single crochet increase
  • #in1 – the specified number of SC in the same stitch (i.e. 3in1)
  • DEC – invisible decrease
  • 2TOG – two stitches together decrease (non-invisible) method
  • *_______* X# – repeat sequence within the asterisks the specified number of times e.g. *SC, INC* x6)
  • FLO – front loop only
  • BLO – back loop only
  • CH – chain stitches
  • CH1T – chain a stitch then turn your work
  • SS – slip stitch
  • ST/STS – stitch/stitches
  • FO – fasten off


To access and view this post you will need to subscribe to my Patreon Mini tier which is £4 per month (the VAT is dependent on your country of residence). With a subscription you will instantly gain access to ALL the crochet patterns available in this tier (such as Super Mario and Toy Story). A new pattern post is released each month. This subscription can be cancelled at any time. Want to sign up or learn more? Then please head over to my Patreon page using the link below:



Please also check out the other patterns available from my Toy Story series HERE.


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Slinky is the last Toy Story pattern that I will be posting until September due to my planned Summer hiatus. It will be worth the wait! Already my Toy Story set is starting to take shape. I cannot wait for the twins to be old enough to watch Toy Story for the first time surrounded by these character amigurumis! (and the same with my Disney Princess characters!) I think that it will be quite memorable. With four characters down – there are still a load more to go but I’m excited for the journey ahead.

Please stay tuned and until the next post – Happy crocheting!

Chantelle X

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    • Hello, sorry I don’t sell the patterns. You gain access to all Toy Story pattern posts with a Patreon subscription but you can cancel at anytime

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