Genie Crochet Pattern

DISCLAIMER: This pattern and the pictures associated with it are property of One’s Creative Mind and are strictly for personal use only. You may NOT sell this pattern on any platform or use my pictures to advertise. However, please feel free to sell your finished crocheted items if you wish and/or post pictures of them on social media. Just remember to tag me or give me a mention as the pattern designer using @onescreativemind. © One’s Creative Mind 2023 Happy November! Next up in my Aladdin series is Genie. I tried to stick with the chibi look (bigger head and smaller body) so that he matches with my Aladdin and Jasmine. There was a bit of debate as to whether I should crochet him with legs or a tail but in the end, I opted for the legs – I was really looking forward to attempting his shoes! Once I saw the finished result, I was beyond happy and could see that I made the right choice.
As difficult as this pattern may seem, the thing that makes it more manageable is that it doesn’t require a lot of assembling. The only bits to sew on are the facial features (ears, eyepiece, top lip, nose and cheeks). Genie is made from the head down and the arms and legs are crocheted onto the body to form a continuous doll base. It was important to keep that signature chin and facial expression, which is why I was adamant to have an open mouth look for my Genie. Primarily, I wanted to make him this way because in most of the pictures that I came across his mouth was opened. The other reason is that I just didn’t feel like my finished Genie would have fully captured the essence of the character. The mouth and chin detail has been needle felted on. I felt like this was the best way to produce the layers and the right look. However, when I get the chance to make my second Genie I would really like to try to do the felt details with polymer clay – so stay tuned.
I got so stuck into this pattern that I didn’t realise until the end that there were a few stages where I forgot to take pictures. As annoying as that is fortunately I don’t feel like it was for any major parts and it was mainly during the assembling process. Overall, my Genie turned out slightly smaller than I intended but he measures up quite well with my Aladdin and Jasmine. Genie stands at approximately 11 inches tall and 6.5 inches wide when using 4py yarn with a 2mm hook.


  • 4ply yarn (I used Scheepjes Catona in 253 Tropic, 201 Electric Blue, 110 Jet Black and 507 Chocolate)
  • 2mm crochet hook
  • Yarn needle
  • Fire retardant Fibrefill
  • White, black and red felt
  • Black, white, pink wool roving for the mouth (or your chosen medium)
  • Needle felting needle
  • Black and white felt for the eyes and eyebrows
  • Gold polymer clay (or your chosen medium)
  • Craft wire
  • Pliers
  • Felt glue
  • Scissors
  • Pins (optional)
  • Stitch marker (optional)


  • MR# – magic ring with the specified number of single crochets
  • SC – single crochet (double crochet English)
  • HDC – half double crochet (half treble English)
  • INC – single crochet increase
  • #in1 – the specified number of SC in the same stitch (i.e. 3in1)
  • DEC – invisible decrease
  • 2TOG – two stitches together decrease (non-invisible) method
  • *_______* X# – repeat sequence within the asterisks the specified number of times e.g. *SC, INC* x6)
  • FLO – front loop only
  • BLO – back loop only
  • CH – chain stitches
  • CH1T – chain a stitch then turn your work
  • SS – slip stitch
  • ST/STS – stitch/stitches
  • OFFSET – a term I use when adding or taking away additional stitches in order to line up or get the right placement
  • FO – fasten off
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You are now complete! How did your Genie turn out? Was the pattern easy to follow? I hope that he turned out better than you imagined. My December Aladdin pattern release will be the Sultan, so stay tuned. Until the next post, happy crocheting! Chantelle X
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