DISCLAIMER: This pattern and the pictures associated with it are property of One’s Creative Mind and are strictly for personal use only. You may NOT sell this pattern on any platform or use my pictures to advertise. However, please feel free to sell your finished crocheted items if you wish and/or post pictures of them on social media. Just remember to tag me or give me a mention as the pattern designer using @onescreativemind.
© One’s Creative Mind 2023
This month’s first Midi tier pattern is this Mulan customisation tutorial.
As with all of my person based female characters, I used my Avery doll base and customised her into Mulan. This base pattern can be purchased in my Etsy and Ravelry stores as well as on my website. Just to note that I have done the template sizing based on making your Avery doll using a 2.5mm hook. You can adjust the hook size and yarn weight when making the doll, but you will also need to adjust the size of the clothing template accordingly.
Mulan was actually the first character that I made when I created my Avery doll base. So, she was made back in 2019 and has been happily sitting on my shelf awaiting her big debut.
As Mulan was the first doll that I created, you may have noticed that her arms are different. Some time ago I updated my doll base and gave her more shapely arms. Not to worry, I have created the template so that it fits with the updated version of the doll.
Mulan’s dress was looking a bit tattered after my nephew’s played with her a while back. Fortunately, I had to make another dress so that I could create the template. I had some pale yellow felt left over from Snow White, so I am much happier with Mulan’s dress this time around.
Now that I have made Li Shang and seen how great his outfit has turned out, I also have the urge to create a second outfit for Mulan. I am thinking that I should also create Mulan’s outfit for when she is disguised as a guy. What do you think? Would you like to have the option of a second outfit?

(Template size based on Avery doll base using 4ply yarn and a 2.5mm hook)
- White felt *
- T-shirt transfer paper *
- Printer *
- Iron *
- Scissors
- Felt glue
- Yarn needle
- Same yarn you used for your base doll (to stitch the nose)
- Black 4ply yarn (for the hair)
- Pale yellow, light green, dark green, blue and red felt
- Pale yellow, green and blue sewing thread
- Fasteners (i.e. poppers, Velcro, buttons, etc.)
- Sewing machine (OPTIONAL: You can just use a sewing needle and hand sew)
- Black wool roving & needle felting needle (OPTIONAL – you can embroider the eyebrows)
* These items are required if you plan to use the t-shirt transfer paper eye method.
You are now complete.
How did your Mulan turn out? Have you made any of the other Princesses from my Disney Princess Series? If so, I would really love to see them.
Next month’s Midi tier Pattern is Cri-Kee the cricket from Mulan.
Until the next post, happy crocheting.
Chantelle X