DISCLAIMER: This pattern and the pictures associated with it are property of One’s Creative Mind and are strictly for personal use only. You may NOT sell this pattern on any platform or use my pictures to advertise. However, please feel free to sell your finished crocheted items if you wish and/or post pictures of them on social media. Just remember to tag me or give me a mention as the pattern designer using @onescreativemind.© One’s Creative Mind 2023Happy third of the month!
My second post for today is this Aladdin how-to tutorial.
Like with all my other princes I used my Arlo doll base and customised it to look like Aladdin. Initially, I was not sure if it would work because Aladdin has a slighter frame. Fortunately, I feel like due to the iconic clothing he still resembles Aladdin – so it all worked out in the end. For those of you that are new to my website, I make all of my Disney princes and princesses by using my Avery and Arlo doll bases, which I then customise to look like my chosen character. You can find the purchasable PDF on my website, in my Etsy store or on my Ravelry page.
I have said it before but will say it again – I am not a seamstress. I may not be doing things the correct way, but it is the way that works for me. If there are parts that you feel could be done easier please do it the easier way.
Aladdin’s trousers were made using the same template that I made for Jasmine’s trousers but with a few slight modifications. The vest was also recycled in its entirety from the Prince Adam template but due to not having the correct colour of purple I opted to use a deep blue instead. This made the whole process so much easier and saved a lot of time. Right now, any time saved is a godsend!
I finally got to needlefelt some eyebrows and I think that it is my favourite method so far. I tried sticking them on with my Prince Naveen which was not at all realistic and have embroidered them on with all the other princes and princesses. As I have said before embroidery is not my strong suit. With the needle felting, I have better control as to the shape and positioning of the eyebrows. They also look more realistic with this method.
(Template size based on Arlo doll base using 4ply yarn and a 2.5mm hook)
- White felt
- T-shirt transfer paper
- Printer
- Iron
- Scissors
- Felt glue
- Black 4ply yarn
- Red felt and thread
- Off white felt and thread
- Purple felt and thread
- Brown felt and thread
- Elastic
- Sewing needle
- Sewing machine (optional)
- 2 fasteners (i.e. poppers, Velcro, buttons, etc.)
- Black wool roving & needle felting needle (optional – you can use the yarn to embroider the eyebrows)
- 2 small wig grips (optional)
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I hope that you had fun with this tutorial and found it easy to follow.
Until the next post – happy crocheting!
Chantelle X