Rajah Crochet Pattern

DISCLAIMER: This pattern and the pictures associated with it are property of One’s Creative Mind and are strictly for personal use only. You may NOT sell this pattern on any platform or use my pictures to advertise. However, please feel free to sell your finished crocheted items if you wish and/or post pictures of them on social media. Just remember to tag me or give me a mention as the pattern designer using @onescreativemind.

© One’s Creative Mind 2023

Happy January!

As promised here is the second pattern for this month – Rajah!

It’s a little late but I got there in the end. I wanted to take my time and make sure that I got all the details just right. I did my best to capture Rajah’s distinctive characteristics and I am so happy with the end result.

I have incorporated my usual love for mixed media including needle felting. However, I do know that not everyone is familiar with needle felting so will include a crocheted version of the mouth. I just need to tweak the mouth pattern and will update this post with the crochet version shortly.

Some of the colours aren’t the correct ones because I wanted to make it work using supplies that I already have and once again I ran out of yarn. So, I ended up having to use a similar colour for the tail and eye ridges. Fortunately, it’s not very noticeable and due to not buying supplies for every project, my craft stash has finally started to deplete after years of steadily growing.

I decided to do Rajah in a similar chibi style as Jasmine and Aladdin with a slightly larger head than usual. Due to this I also opted to put him in a sitting position so that Rajah can stand alone unaided without toppling over.

The total height is 6.5 inches and 4.5 inches wide (ear to ear).


  • 4ply yarn (Scheepjes Catona 130 Old Lace, 189 Royal Orange, 110 Jet Black)
  • 2mm crochet hook
  • Yarn needle
  • Fire retardant Fibrefill
  • Black, white, yellow felt
  • White/off white, pink and black wool roving
  • Needle felting needle
  • Felt glue
  • Scissors
  • Pins (optional)
  • Stitch marker (optional)


  • MR# – magic ring with the specified number of single crochets
  • SC – single crochet (double crochet English)
  • HDC – half double crochet (half treble English)
  • INC – single crochet increase
  • #in1 – the specified number of SC in the same stitch (i.e. 3in1)
  • DEC – invisible decrease (if it is a DEC in BLO I tend to use the 2TOG decrease method)
  • *_______* X# – repeat sequence within the asterisks the specified number of times e.g. *SC, INC* x6)
  • FLO – front loop only
  • BLO – back loop only
  • CH – chain stitches
  • CC – colour change
  • CH1T – chain a stitch then turn your work
  • SS – slip stitch
  • ST/STS – stitch/stitches
  • OFFSET – a term I use when adding or taking away additional stitches in order to line up or get the right placement
  • FO – fasten off


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You are now complete!

I hope that you are happy with how your Rajah turned out. The legs – more specifically the toes are the most complicated part of the pattern. However, if you have made any of my patterns before you should be familiar with the method that I use when making fingers and crocheting up the side of your work. If you need any assistance or further clarification I am happy to help.

Until the next post, happy crocheting!

Chantelle X

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